When processing a shipment using your shipping solution, have you ever come across an error similar to "The requested Special Service Codes AA is not available. Please make sure data entered is valid before proceeding or contact our customer service." or "The requested Special Service Codes DD is not available. Please make sure data entered is valid before proceeding or contact our customer service." ?
When struck with this error, anyone would start to scratch their head trying to decode the meaning of this error. Reaching out to your shipping solution support team may be time-consuming.
To help, we have listed below the most frequently used DHL Special Service codes, and the service name it indicates. The objective is to provide you with a quick reference, and then you can check in your system whether you have selected the special service, which is perhaps not allowed in this case. Once you remove the selected special service, or modify your shipment data accordingly to suit the special service, you should then be able to process your shipment successfully (unless you encounter another error... hopefully not).